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About this map…
  • Published 2021

Aotea / Great Barrier Island

Buy Options

1. Order an offset printed wall map
A few of our smaller wall maps are available as offset prints. These all measure 990mm or less along the longest axis. They come rolled in a tube, delivered by tracked parcel post to your street address.


2. Order a digitally printed wall map (print on demand)
Most of our wall maps are large format and printed on demand (POD). Both the print media and the print size are prescribed. Once printed, the map is rolled in a tube and couriered directly to your street address.


3. Licence to print a wall map
This is for those with custom requirements for print size and/or print media. You nominate the local commercial printer you wish to deal with and we forward the print file directly to that printer. You pay a reproduction fee to Geographx for each print ordered and account directly to the printer for costs incurred at that end. There is no shipping fee payable to Geographx with this option.

printer info

  • Printshop contact details *

    Name and branch / Email address

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